Army Veteran Honda Ruckus from Los Baños
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From the time he hopped on his first ever motorcycle – an old school Honda CD100 which was given to him by his father as a present, Sherome Magsino of Los Baños, Laguna has been hooked ever since. Initially, his motorcycle enthusiasm was only due to necessity – just to have a regular service going to his school which wasn’t too far away to begin with. Since that time he never let go of his love for motorcycles.
Being a motorcycle rider for so long,Rome has been riding everyday for thepast 18 years – whether on joy ridesor by simply using his motorcycle as adaily driven workhorse.The featured bike is a Honda Ruckus (USA)or a Japan 1st gen Honda Zoomer, a 4-stroke fuelinjectedautomatic scooter named Mista. He gavehis bike that name since it is a military-themed bikeand Mista is a common term in the Filipino Armywhich means brother, kakampi or kasangga.Currently having a stable of four project bikes, ithas been a long standing dream of Rome to havean army-themed bike and now that he is almostfinished working on Mista’s concept, he considershis bike now a dream come true. He considers it adream come true because he already has a dressedup vintage looking scooter in his Yamaha Fino, aclean and sophisticated look on his Vespa LX150and a modern badass looking custom modifiedHonda Zoomer X, so this army themed bike reallyfits the family. Being a motor show competitor, thisis one of the categories in motor shows that hewould like to join and top as well.Rome plans to join more motor shows in thefuture so that more people could appreciate Mistaand make his story an inspiration to build their ownscooters as well. Although it takes up a lot of histime, modifying motorbikes gives him relaxationand a big challenge at the same time. It challengeshim on how he will conceptualize the bike andonce he is done conceptualizing on what look hewants on the bike, the next challenge is how to getthe parts and accessories that is needed as most ofthe time it has to be ordered either from differentparts of the Philippines or sometimes from differentcountries like Thailand, Malaysia or as far as theUnited States. The biggest part of the challengeis when you are building it already and slowlycompleting the details that you want for yourproject bike. Being a man that handles multiplebusinesses, with that comes long tiring, stressfulnights. This is where the project bikes come into play as they gives Rome relaxation when he seesand rides them. Riding and modifying motorbikesplay a big part in his life and it is a passion that hewill never let go and will continue on doing untilhe can.
Rome shares us this message, “I just like to say thank you for supporting me with my passion for bikes.Thanks to my lovely wife EllineMagsino, my son Yuan Inigo, my daughter Yana Isabela, my youngest Yael Inigo and my parents who always support me with my shows – Melinda and Gil Magsino. Thank you, my bro Sherwin and my MC Motorworks crew. I’d also like to thank my fellow project bike enthusiasts. Let’s just continue our passion on building good-looking and quality bikes to entertain more people and give inspiration to the younger generation to build bikes as well of their own. Thank you Insideracing !More power!”
- Camouflage air brush
- Authentic military water bottle carrier
- Authentic military bag as saddle bag
- Authentic military large ammo case as carrier rear box
- Authentic military helmet as accent for the bike
- Liquor flask that the militaries usually bring during war
- All terrain tires for more jungle army look
- Military net used to cover the compartment for more military look
- Military key strap
- Military whistle
- Military compass
- Military dog tag as key chai