MMDA reminds users of LTO E-bike Guidelines

Date posted on June 16, 2022
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The Land Transportation Authority (LTO) issued, on May 11,2021, Administrative Order No. 2021-039 or the Consolidated Guidelines in the Classification, Registration, and Operation of All Types of Electric Motor Vehicles to be used for the regulation of all electric motor vehicles.

This includes the definitions of classifications and types of e-bikes, e-scooters, e-trikes, and other electric vehicles.

Based on the AO, it also defines the maximum speed limit and protective gear/helmet of each category. It also states which are required and which do not require  LTO registration at driver’s license as well as where they are allowed to run.

The penalties are also specified.

Recently, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authirity or MMDA, highlighted this AO on their social media page reminding users of e-bike to follow said regulation which will be the basis of MMDA to regulate electric motor vehicles. Slides below are provided by the MMDA for public guidance.

Source: MMDA

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