Honda C70 EX30: Custom Adventure Cub by Hibjok Moto Customs
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This is a quite unique take on the C70 Cub build project. The bike was built by Andrew Ford U. Guardo of “Hibjok Moto Customs” for his client Ernest Quin Leyson. They didn’t want to be repeating the same Street Cub designs and concepts so they decided to adapt the “Adventure Cub 70” concept.
“The idea comes from the 1970’s Honda Trail CT90 model which was available for sale in the United States. The bike is commonly used for people going out on camping trips or by recreational hunters. Some were commissioned by estate parks to be used by the park rangers in border monitoring and park activities. Elsewhere in the globe it’s called the “Postie Bike” especially in Australia where it’s commonly used in the Australian post for mail deliveries. Now it’s making a comeback of the latest model which is called the “Honda Hunter Cub 125”. The challenge of this project is to create a similar style and concept but still be unique among the rest,” Andrew shared.
“Hibjok Moto Customs” is founded and owned by Andrew Ford U. Guardo, a Freelance Web and Graphic Designer who is passionate for building bikes. “I’m not doing this for business but it’s purely passion that drives me into this endeavor which I’m thankful for my older brother Mr. Philip Guardo who introduced me into custom bike building a decade ago. This is dedicated to my father’s hometown back in Cantilan, Surigao del Sur. It’s from this place where our family’s love for motorcycles started. Back then, my late father owns quite a lot of motorcycles from the reliable Yamaha YL2, the famous DT100 to Honda XL100 and XL125,” narrated Andrew.
The bike is an amalgamation of different parts from different motorcycles. The rear carrier is from a Yamaha V50, the turn signals are from the DT100 and the front fork is from a Yamaha RS100. Majority of the aftermarket parts on the bike were from online stores and motorcycles parts stores in Cebu. This was built during the quarantine so it was really challenging to get the parts. The pipe is a custom style which was ordered from Indonesia. The bash plate is custom-made together with the chain guard custom made by Hibjok Moto Customs. It also features custom-made leather seat.
Andrew said, “Most of the street cubs you see nowadays are very common and are almost of the same style and that’s the part where I was challenged so I have to alter some of the parts and accessories especially on the center cover, the aluminum skid plate, the non digital style gasoline gauge, the self locking seat and to the headlight cowling that includes a customized speedometer. With the motorcycle’s semi aggressive stance, it can survive a 3-4 ft of street flood as it has a snorkel and with its sprocket combination it can climb a steep hill. Overall, it’s the whole bike itself that I am proud to say it’s truly unique from the rest.”
“Special thanks to my friend Mr. Ernest Quin Leyson for trusting me in building his motorcycle. Thank you for trusting the process. To my elder brother Mr. Philip Guardo, big thanks as always for the awesome European made tools, I hope there’s more to come. A big thanks also to my mentor Mr. Rene Mendoza for the never ending guidance and support especially in frame customization. Lastly, thank you to my ever supporting lovely wife Flobelle E. Guardo for the unconditional support of love and patience in spite of the challenges that we are currently facing. Thank you so much InsideRACING Magazine for featuring my latest build project,” expressed Andrew.
Parts and Accessories Used:
Yamaha V50 Rear Carrier
Yamaha DT100 turn signals
Yamaha RS100 front fork
custom-made pipe from Indonesia
custom-made Bash/Skid plate
custom-made chain guard
custom-made leather seat
custom-made center cover
non-digital style gasoline gauge
self locking seat
custom headlight cowling that includes a customized snorkel (can wade in 3-4 ft of water)
This was published in InsideRACING Magazine Volume 19 Number 8 issue
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