Kawasaki KE 100 Scrambler “Tribute build for a Father”
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This Kawasaki KE 100 Scrambler is owned by Ryan L. Tigley of Gulf Oil – Singapore. He built this Scrambler project as a tribute build for his father Eutiquio, a.k.a. “Tikyo” who passed away last year.”

The project was inspired by Steve McQueen’s “The Great Escape” bike. “It is one of the movies that I and my father enjoyed watching together several times over the years. What makes it unique is that his initials and his death anniversary are painted on the tank,” Ryan shared.

“I am the first born and he had me when he was already 42. By the time I was 18, he was already 60 so I made sure that we spend a lot of time together. During my college days, I brought him to beach outings with my barkada. I also brought him to biker events and gatherings. We do road trips, morning hikes together and drinking sessions every time I’m home. He even got a tablet for us to do an online “tagay”. He influenced me on the old movies like the Bridge of River Kwai, Magnificent Seven and the Great Escape where the inspiration of the bike came from. Sadly, he passed away last year. I was already back in Singapore and due to the pandemic, I have not travelled home since then. The last time we were together was 2 weeks before he left us. We did a road trip and went to the beach,” narrated Ryan.

The bike’s customization was done in his brother’s hometown in Carmen, Cebu, but the design, bodywork, paint job, and engine rebuild were done separately. It was a slow and tedious process as he had to coordinate online with the person-in-charge for each step during the build. The project took a year to complete. Ryan said, “I may not be physically there, but every bit of details had to be discussed. We started the project during the Enhanced Community Quarantine implementation in Cebu last year so the parts are scarce and we have to order parts online like the rims/tires in Manila and other parts were sourced from suppliers in Mindanao.”

“Thanks to my wife Sheryl, my son Schemuel Ryaile, my family, friends and all the guys who contributed their time and expertise in building this project. Thank you to my brother Raymond for overseeing the project, Jack for helping on the concept, Kremlin for the body works, noy Boy for the paint and William for rebuilding the engine. Thank you so much InsideRACING Magazine for featuring my tribute build for my father,” Ryan expressed.
Parts and Accessories Used:
custom-made leather seat
custom-painted tank
custom-painted chassis, engine, pipe and headlight
classic bar end side mirrors
retro hand grips
retro turn signal lights (front and rear)
Honda TMX triple clamps
SPD rims
Duro dual-sport tires
Takasago rear shocks

photos provided by Ryan Tigley
This was published in InsideRACING Magazine Volume 19 Number 6 issue
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